
As a global player in the telecommunications industry, Telkomcel’s reputation thrives on its ability to innovate and adapt to market trends. And also, having a good website surely will boost Telkomcel’s credibility as a legitimate business. First impressions count, and websites allow the customer to make a powerful impression with a well-designed introduction for their business. A website can help showcase their expertise and better position their business.

Telecommunication Industry
Company Web Portal Development


Web development is expediting at an aggressive rate. Better and user-friendly interfaces are in demand. When it comes to developing a successful web application, many factors are defining that success. As our Customer, Telkomcel also eager to know different aspects of the product, such as its cost, look and feel, and value for money.

One of the biggest challenges that we have to face is the growing number of platforms that websites are expected to work on, including desktop computers, mobile phones, and even watches or other smart devices. We need to do specific testing to ensure that their site performs well on these devices and the browsers that will be accessing them.

Another challenge that we face is trying to create the perfect user experience for anyone visiting the site. User experience is essential, and with the oversaturation of the market, users know what they like and what they don’t, so they will choose a different website that doesn’t suit them.


We listen to our customers and have understood some of the problems faced in developing Web Applications.

We do make attention to the UI/UX of the website. Think a decade ago; the web was a completely different place. Smartphones don’t exist. More straightforward and customer-oriented web applications are highly expected now. Sometimes it’s the small UI elements that make the most significant impact. In the era of Smartphones, websites should be responsive enough on smaller screens. If our web applications frustrate or confuse users, then it isn’t easy to maintain our customer’s loyalty to our website. Website navigation is another part often neglected by developers. Intuitive navigation creates a better user experience for the website visitor. Intuitive navigation is leading your audience to the information they are looking for without a learning curve. When navigation is intuitive, visitors can find out information without any pain, creating a flawless experience preventing them from visiting the competitors.

The website should consider scalability, which is either performance or computing power and bandwidth usage. It’s about load balancing between the servers; hence, when the load increases (i.e., more traffic on the page), we can add additional servers to balance it. You should not just throw all the load on a single server, but you should design the software to work on a cluster of servers. Service-oriented architecture (SOA) can help in improving scalability when we add more and more servers. SOA gives you the flexibility to change quickly. A service-oriented architecture is a design where application components provide services to other components through the communication protocol, basically over a network.

Generally, we can accept that website speed is essential for a successful website when our business is online every second count. Slow web applications are a failure. As a result, customers abscond our website, thus, damaging our revenue as well as reputation. We should think about performance first before developing the web application. Some of the performance issues are Poorly written code, Un-Optimized Databases, Unmanaged Growth of data, Traffic spikes, Poor load distribution, Default configuration, Troublesome third-party services, etc. That what we are doing, develop a website with a good performance result.


Nusantara I/C/T’s team then worked with Telkomcel to integrate core modules and content into their company web portal and revamp the layout and the styles.

Excellent UI design certainly makes Telkomcel’s website visually appealing, but it goes beyond just simple aesthetics. The goal is to make the actual user experience simple and accessible – and usable. It means using only a targeted, purposeful selection of copy and content, clarifying the options your users have throughout the experience, and ensuring information is readily available at each step.