
UPT Puskesmas Pondok Betung is one of the Puskesmas in the Pondok Aren District, South Tangerang City, which is located in the southeast of Tangerang. UPT Puskesmas Pondok Betung oversees two urban villages, namely Pondok Karya and Pondok Betung sub-districts.

As part of the South Tangerang Covid-19 task force, UPT Puskesmas Pondok Betung has found that they don’t have a comprehensive contact chain surveillance system to assist them in tracing tracking.

UPTD Puskesmas Pondok Betung
Public Health Care
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Web Development


Tracking Head of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force, Kusmedi Priharto, said that the patient’s own actions hampered the implementation of tracing or tracking in the field.

“Some are hidden (by positive patients) who do not want to explain where they came from. Tracing is a job like an intelligence”, said Kusmedi as quoted from YouTube BNPB, Thursday (19/11/2020).

As a result, as a solution, the Covid-19 Handling Task Force added 7,000 tracing officers, which positioned in 1,612 health centers spread across 51 districts/cities in 10 provinces with the highest number of positive cases.

Another challenge is that there is no recording system for the tracking and tracing process at the lower level, especially in the Puskesmas, which can assist the recording process and automate close contact mapping to track and trace more optimally.


Nusantara Contact Chain Surveillance (NCCS) is a web-based system that is a tool for the COVID-19 Task Force, especially in the UPTD Puskesmas Pondok Betung, South Tangerang, in mapping the COVID-19 case contact chain. This system accommodates independent reporting or by community elements to be followed up by the COVID-19 Task Force surveillance team.

Nusantara I/C/T built this system to support the frontline in facing the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, especially in South Tangerang. This action also part of Corporate Social Responsibility as part of the social community and empathizing the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.


In general, how NCCS works requires community participation that reports unexpected cases of Covid-19, both symptoms that occur to themselves and others around us through the NCCS. Then surveillance will collect data on suspected Covid-19 patients regarding personal data and interactions made by suspected Covid-19 patients at NCCS.

The NCCS will process data from the data that has been inputted by the public and medical personnel to recap the information on suspected Covid-19 patients and produce a chain of contacts. The close contact chain is a hierarchy of interactions between suspected Covid-19 patients and people who have interacted with suspected Covid-19 patients. Where is the function of knowing the risk of spreading Covid-19